connecting women to the ocean, and to each other

Roatán, Honduras

In Roatán the economy is driven by tourists going to the island to enjoy the beautiful nature, coral reefs, and wildlife.

Locals on the island aren’t given the same opportunities to connect with the marine environment the way the tourists often take for granted. Many times local women never get the chance to try scuba diving, or even snorkeling.

Life on the Island

With minimal opportunities for career paths, local women in Roatán have few prospects except marriage and motherhood. Few sexual wellness classes, no access to birth control, and prostitution also results in high rates of teen pregnancy.

Jobs on the island for women include maids in hotels, cleaners, and catering to tourists. The minimum wage on the island is only 36.68 lempiras per hour, which equals 1.49 US dollars.

  • bluue is a nonprofit created to support local women in Roatán

  • bluue creates new career paths

  • and creates opportunities for locals to experience the ocean

  • while promoting coral restoration

Our Mission

bluue sponsors local women through dive training, creating a network of women that support each other, helping to sustain the local economy during off-seasons, and maintaining the beautiful coral reefs surrounding Roatán.

We have a system that matches local women with dive shops to provide discounted, sponsored, or internship positions that will give women the opportunity to learn how to dive and gain PADI certification.

We help to create new life experiences and career paths through connection to the ocean and other women such as art classes, swim lessons, scuba certification, etc.

Scuba Diving

Have you always wanted to go on a discovery dive, get your scuba license, or your instructor’s certification? Sign up for diving in Roatán here.

Local women in Roatán, Honduras have scholarship opportunities available!

Coral Restoration

Protect the ocean while on a coral restoration dive! You can get your coral restoration certification while diving in beautiful Honduras.

Local Businesses

bluue helps to support local businesses through training with dive shops, promoting local stores such as the Rusty Fish and Art Gallery, and hosting fundraisers.

Swimming | Snorkeling

Want to learn how to swim or snorkel? Go on fun snorkeling groups swims? Sign up through bluue for personal instructor matching.

Local women and children in Roatán are eligible for scholarship opportunities!

Support bluue through art

  • Lionfish

    One layer screenprint

  • Abstract Coral

    Two layer screenprint

  • Leafy Skeleton Fish

    Four layer screenprint with green gold leaf
